
Mrs. Rudy/Ms. Ridel, Welcome to my blog on Underground to Canada! Feel free to look around and to read my posts. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Another theme in this book is mystery. For our secret plan to work, it can only stay in the hands of our trustworthy people. Due to our secretive, confidential actions, part of it, is an unsolved mystery itself. If those awful slave traders heard the secret of our plan, the 'Underground Railway' would be a failure. No fugitive would ever make it to Canada to live a free and blissful life. Hopefully, we can continue to save the lives of our fellow American brothers and sisters, and keep this mystery an unsolved one! 

Monday, February 9, 2009


If I had to label this book with a theme, many words would come to mind. Bravery is an important part in this book, and it took courage for the people to risk their status, trying to help the slaves. Without these brave people, the slaves would loose hope and would never get a chance to be free. God shall praise the brave for doing the right thing!



"Trusting that this volume will accomplish something toward the eradication of the spirit of caste, which still exists in our land--though, in the providence of God, slavery itself has been removed--and in the acceptance and practice of that command, which reads: "Love thy neighbor as thyself," I now commend it to the reader."